Publications by membres of the CCPAC since 2000
F. Schiettekatte and M. Chicoine Spectrum simulation of rough and nanostructured targets from their 2D and 3D image by Monte Carlo methods
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B (In press)A. Fekecs, A. Korinek, M. Chicoine, B. Ilahi, F. Schiettekatte, D. Morris, R. Arès Microstructural evolution of a recrystallized Fe-implanted InGaAsP/InP heterostructure
Phys. Status Solidi A 212 (2015) 1888A. Fekecs, M. Chicoine, B. Ilahi, A. J. SpringThorpe, F. Schiettekatte, D. Morris, P. G. Charette, R. Arès Critical process temperatures for resistive InGaAsP/InP heterostructures heavily implanted by Fe or Ga ions
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 359 (2015) 99F. Schiettekatte Tails
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 332 (2014) 404S. J. Van Bommel, R. Gellert, N. I. Boyd, J. L. Campbell, I. Pradler, J. A. Berger, L. M. Thompson, K. S. Edgett, M. J. McBride, M. E. Minitti, A. S. Stroupe Deconvolution of distinct lithology chemistry through over-sampling with the Mars Science Laboratory alpha particle X-ray spectrometer
Submitted to X-RAY SPECTROMETRY (2015)J. A. Berger, M. E. Schmidt, R. Gellert, J. L. Campbell, P. L. King, R. L. Flemming, I. Pradler, S. Van Bommel, N. I. Boyd, G. M. Perrett A global Mars dust composition refined by MSL-APXS in Gale Crater constrains the modern cycling and surface concentrations of sulfur and chlorine
Submitted to JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: PLANETS (2015)G. M. Perrett, J. L. Campbell, R. Gellert, P. L. King, E. Nield, J. M. O’Meara, I. Pradler Refinement of the Compton-Rayleigh scatter ratio method for use on the Mars Science Laboratory alpha particle X-ray spectrometer: II – Extraction of invisible element content
Refinement of major- and minor- element PIXE analysis of rocks and minerals
Quantitative Reconstruction of PIXE-Tomography data for thin samples using GUPIX X-ray emission yields
Oxidation of manganese in an ancient aquifer, Kimberley formation, Gale Crater, Mars
Submitted to NATURE GEOSCIENCE (2015)C. M. Heirwegh, I. Pradler, J. L. Campbell
Choice of X-ray mass attenuation coefficients for PIXE analysis of silicate minerals and rocks
X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 44, 63 (2015)G. M. Perrett, J.L. Campbell, S. Glasauer, R. Pardo
Quantitative determination of mineral phase effects observed in APXS analyses of geochemical reference materials
X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 43, 359 (2014)J. L. Campbell, P. L. King, J. A. Berger, R. Gellert, G. M. Perrett, I. Pradler, L. Thompson. K. S. Edgett, A. Yingst
The Mars Science Laboratory APXS calibration target: comparison of first Martian measurements with the terrestrial calibration
Curiosity at Gale Crater, Mars: Characterization and analysis of the Rocknest sand shadow
SCIENCE 341, 1239505 (2013)A. Ollila et al. including J. L. Campbell
Modeling of Trace Elements (Li, Ba, Sr, and Rb) using Curiosity’s ChemCam and Early Results for Gale Crater from Bradbury Landing Site to Rocknest
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: PLANETS 119, 255 (2014)J. A. Berger, P. L. King, R. Gellert, J. L. Campbell J, N. I. Boyd, I. Pradler, G. M. Perrett, K. S. Edgett, M. Schmidt, R. Lee, S. Van Bommel
MSL APXS Titanium Observation Tray Measurements: Laboratory Experiments and Results for the Rocknest Fines at the Curiosity Field Site in Gale Crater, Mars
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: PLANETS 119, 1046 (2014)C. M. Heirwegh, I. Pradler, J. L. Campbell
An accuracy assessment of photo-ionization cross-section data-sets for 1–2 keV X rays in light elements using proton-induced X-ray emission
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS SECTION B: ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 46, 185602 (2013)K. Fennane, M. Berset, J.-Cl.Dousse, J. Hoszowska, P. Raboud, J. L. Campbell
Re-examination of M2,3 atomic level widths of elements 69 < Z < 75
PHYSICAL REVIEW SECTION A: ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 88, 052506 (2013)M. Schmidt, J. L. Campbell, R. Gellert, G. M. Perrett et al.
Geochemical diversity in first rocks examined by the Curiosity Rover in Gale Crater: Evidence and significance of an alkali and volatile-rich igneous source
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: PLANETS 119, 64 (2014)D. W. Ming et al. including J. L. Campbell
Volatile and Organic Compositions of a Sedimentary Rock in Yellowknife Bay, Gale crater, Mars
SCIENCE 343(6169), 1245267 (2014)S. McLennan et al. including J. L. Campbell
Elemental Geochemistry of Sedimentary Rocks in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
SCIENCE 343(6169), 1244734 (2014)D. Irvine, A. A. Chen, A. Parikh, K. Setoodehnia, T. Faestermann, R. Hertenberger, H. -F. Wirth, V. Bildstein, S. Bishop, J. A. Clark, C. M. Deibel, J. Hendriks, C. Herlitzius, R. Kruecken, W. N. Lennard, O. Lepyoshkina, R. Longland, G. Rugel, D. Seiler, K. Straub, C. Wrede Evidence for the existence of the astrophysically important 6.40-MeV state of S-31 PHYSICAL REVIEW C 88, 055803 (2013)
S. Kahwaji, R. A. Gordon, E. D. Crozier, S. Roorda, M. D. Robertson, J. Zhu, T. L. Monchesky Surfactant-mediated growth of ferromagnetic Mn delta-doped Si PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88, 174419 (2013)
Laurent Karim Beland, Yonathan Anahory, Dries Smeets, Matthieu Guihard, Peter Brommer, Jean-Francois Joly, Jean-Christophe Pothier, Laurent J. Lewis, Normand Mousseau, Francois Schiettekatte Replenish and Relax: Explaining Logarithmic Annealing in Ion-Implanted c-Si PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 111, 105502 (2013)
Pierre Turcotte-Tremblay, Matthieu Guihard, Simon Gaudet, Martin Chicoine, Christian Lavoie, Patrick Desjardins, Francois Schiettekatte Thin film Ni-Si solid-state reactions: Phase formation sequence on amorphized Si JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B 31, 051213 (2013)
Ruobing Xie, Gabrielle G. Long, Steven J. Weigand, Simon C. Moss, Tobi Carvalho, Sjoerd Roorda, Miroslav Hejna, Salvatore Torquato, Paul J. Steinhardt Hyperuniformity in amorphous silicon based on the measurement of the infinite-wavelength limit of the structure factor PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 110, 13250 (2013)
G. Ethier-Majcher, P. St-Jean, A. Bergeron, A. -L. Phaneuf-L'Heureux, S. Roorda, S. Francoeur Photoluminescence from single nitrogen isoelectronic centers in gallium phosphide produced by ion implantation JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 114, 034307 (2013)
K. Setoodehnia, A. A. Chen, D. Kahl, T. Komatsubara, J. Jose, R. Longland, Y. Abe, D. N. Binh, J. Chen, S. Cherubini, J. A. Clark, C. M. Deibel, S. Fukuoka, T. Hashimoto, T. Hayakawa, J. Hendriks, Y. Ishibashi, Y. Ito, S. Kubono, W. N. Lennard, T. Moriguchi, D. Nagae, R. Nishikiori, T. Niwa, A. Ozawa, P. D. Parker, D. Seiler, T. Shizuma, H. Suzuki, C. Wrede, H. Yamaguchi, T. Yuasa Nuclear structure of S-30 and its implications for nucleosynthesis in classical novae PHYSICAL REVIEW C 87, 065801 (2013)
Andre Fekecs, Martin Chicoine, Bouraoui Ilahi, Francois Schiettekatte, Paul G. Charette, Richard Ares Towards semi-insulating InGaAsP/InP layers by post-growth processing using Fe ion implantation and rapid thermal annealing JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 46, 165106 (2013)
M. Molina-Ruiz, A. F. Lopeandia, M. Gonzalez-Silveira, Y. Anahory, M. Guihard, G. Garcia, M. T. Clavaguera-Mora, F. Schiettekatte, J. Rodriguez-Viejo Formation of Pd2Si on single-crystalline Si (100) at ultrafast heating rates: An in-situ analysis by nanocalorimetry APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 102, 143111 (2013)
Xavier Cauchy, Sjoerd Roorda Nearly Equidistant Single Swift Heavy Ion Impact Sites Through Nanoporous Alumina Masks APPLICATION OF ACCELERATORS IN RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY 1525, 375 (2013)
C. Harkati Kerboua, J. -M. Lamarre, M. Chicoine, L. Martinu, S. Roorda Elongation of gold nanoparticles by swift heavy ion irradiation: Surface plasmon resonance shift dependence on the electronic stopping power THIN SOLID FILMS 527, 186 (2013)
J. L. Campbell, G. M. Perrett, J. A. Maxwell, E. Nield, R. Gellert, P. L. King, M. Lee, J. M. O’Meara, I. Pradler
Refinement of the Compton-Rayleigh scatter ratio method for use on the Mars Science Laboratory alpha particle X-ray spectrometer
The instrumental blank of the Mars Science Laboratory alpha particle X-ray spectrometer
Maxwell, P. L. King, C. D. M. Schofield
Calibration of the Mars Science Laboratory alpha particle X-ray spectrometer
SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 170, 319 (2012)J. L. Campbell, G. M. Perrett, R. Gellert, S. M. Andrushenko, N. I. Boyd, J. A. Maxwell, P. L. King, C. D. M. Schofield
Calibration of the Mars Science Laboratory alpha particle X-ray spectrometer
SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 170, 319 (2012)Sjoerd Roorda, Laurent J. Lewis Comment on "The Local Structure of Amorphous Silicon" SCIENCE 338, (2012)
S. N. Dedyulin, M. P. Singh, F. S. Razavi, L. V. Goncharova Energy loss of protons in SrTiO3 studied by medium energy ion scattering NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 288, 60 (2012)
S. Roorda, C. Martin, M. Droui, M. Chicoine, A. Kazimirov, S. Kycia Disentangling Neighbors and Extended Range Density Oscillations in Monatomic Amorphous Semiconductors PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 108, 255501 (2012)
D. Shakhvorostov, W. N. Lennard, P. R. Norton Analytical solution for depth scale calculations in Rutherford backscattering spectrometry NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 272, 18 (2012)
E. G. Barbagiovanni, S. N. Dedyulin, P. J. Simpson, L. V. Goncharova Ion beam studies of Ge diffusion in Al2O3 NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 272, 74 (2012)
S. N. Dedyulin, L. V. Goncharova Thermal oxidation of Ge-implanted Si: Role of defects NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 272, 334 (2012)
E. G. Barbagiovanni, D. J. Lockwood, P. J. Simpson, L. V. Goncharova Quantum confinement in Si and Ge nanostructures JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 111, 034307 (2012)
Y. Hou, J. R. Liu, M. Buchanan, A. J. Spring Thorpe, P. J. Poole, H. C. Liu, Ke Wu, Sjoerd Roorda, X. P. Zhang Terahertz Generation Using Implanted InGaAs Photomixers and Multi-wavelength Quantum Dot Lasers NANO-MICRO LETTERS 4, 10 (2012)
M. C. Corriveau, H. E. Jamieson, M. B. Parsons, J. L. Campbell, A. Lanzirotti Direct characterization of airborne particles associated with arsenic-rich mine tailings: Particle size, mineralogy and texture APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY 26, 1639 (2011)
J. L. Campbell, A. M. McDonald, G. M. Perrett, S. M. Taylor A GUPIX-based approach to interpreting the PIXE-plus-XRF spectra from the Mars exploration rovers: II geochemical reference materials NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 269, 69 (2011)
J. L. Campbell, J. A. Maxwell, S. M. Andrushenko, S. M. Taylor, B.N. Jones, W. Brown-Bury A GUPIX-based approach to interpreting the PIXE-plus-XRF spectra from the Mars exploration rovers: I homogeneous standards NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 269, 57 (2011)
M. Mayer, W. Eckstein, H. Langhuth, F. Schiettekatte, U. von Toussaint Computer simulation of ion beam analysis: Possibilities and limitations NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 269, 3006 (2011)
W. N. Lennard, K. Setoodehnia, A. A. Chen, J. Hendriks Ion-implanted S-32 targets for astrophysics studies NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 269, 2726 (2011)
Andre Fekecs, Maxime Bernier, Denis Morris, Martin Chicoine, Francois Schiettekatte, Paul Charette, Richard Ares Fabrication of high resistivity cold-implanted InGaAsP photoconductors for efficient pulsed terahertz devices OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 1, 1165 (2011)
A. Romanenko, L. V. Goncharova Elastic recoil detection studies of near-surface hydrogen in cavity-grade niobium SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 24, 105017 (2011)
C. Harkati Kerboua, M. Chicoine, S. Roorda Gold nanoparticles resist deformation by swift heavy ion irradiation when embedded in a crystalline matrix NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 269, 2006 (2011)
S. M. M. Yee, D. A. Crandles, L. V. Goncharova Ferromagnetism on the unpolished surfaces of single crystal metal oxide substrates JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 110, 033906 (2011)
R. Xie, G. G. Long, S. J. Weigand, S. C. Moss, S. Roorda Order and disorder in edge-supported pure amorphous Si and pure amorphous Si on Si(001) JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 357, 2498 (2011)
Jean-Christophe Pothier, Francois Schiettekatte, Laurent J. Lewis Flowing damage in ion-implanted amorphous silicon PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 235206 (2011)
Liang Hu, Lito P. de la Rama, Mikhail Y. Efremov, Yonathan Anahory, Francois Schiettekatte, Leslie H. Allen Synthesis and Characterization of Single-Layer Silver-Decanethiolate Lamellar Crystals JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 133, 4367 (2011)
L. V. Goncharova, M. Dalponte, T. Feng, T. Gustafsson, E. Garfunkel, P. S. Lysaght, G. Bersuker Diffusion and interface growth in hafnium oxide and silicate ultrathin films on Si(001) PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 115329 (2011)
E. G. Barbagiovanni, L. V. Goncharova, P. J. Simpson Electronic structure study of ion-implanted Si quantum dots in a SiO2 matrix: Analysis of quantum confinement theories PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 035112 (2011)
J. L. Campbell, N I. Boyd, N. Grassi, P. Bonnick, J. A. Maxwell The Guelph PIXE software package IV NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 268, 3356 (2010)
J. L. Campbell X-Ray energies, transition probabilities, fluorescence and Coster-Kronig probabilities: Report of Working Group 4 of the International Initiative on X-ray Fundamental Parameters BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL RADIATION PHYSICS SOCIETY 24, 17 (2010)
P. Morais, J. Babaluk, A. T. Correia, M. A. Chícharo J. L. Campbell, L. Chícharo Diversity of anchovy migration patterns in a European temperate estuary and in its adjacent coastal area: Implications for fishery management JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH 64, 295 (2010)
S. M. Taylor, J. M. O’Meara, J. L. Campbell A versatile Monte Carlo package for computation of efficiencies of Si(Li), SDD and Ge detectors X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 39, 191 (2010)
J. L. Campbell, S. Andrushenko, S. M. Taylor, J.A. Maxwell A fundamental parameters approach to calibration of the Mars Exploration Rovers alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer. Part II. Unknown samples JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: PLANETS 115, E04009, 2009JE003272, 2010
C. Capan, G. Seyfarth, D. Hurt, B. Prevost, S. Roorda, A. D. Bianchi, Z. Fisk Wilson ratio in Yb-substituted CeCoIn5 EPL 92, 47004 (2010)
Y. Anahory, M. Guihard, D. Smeets, R. Karmouch, F. Schiettekatte, P. Vasseur, P. Desjardins, Liang Hu, L. H. Allen, E. Leon-Gutierrez, J. Rodriguez-Viejo Fabrication, characterization and modeling of single-crystal thin film calorimeter sensors THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 510, 126 (2010)
Z. Tun, J. J. Noel, Th. Bohdanowicz, L. R. Cao, R. G. Downing, L. V. Goncharova Cold-neutron depth profiling as a research tool for the study of surface oxides on metals CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 88, 751 (2010)
Houssem Kallel, Normand Mousseau, Francois Schiettekatte Evolution of the Potential-Energy Surface of Amorphous Silicon PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 105, 045503 (2010)
J. Liu, X. Wu, W. N. Lennard, D. Landheer, M. W. C. Dharma-Wardana Surface-directed spinodal decomposition in the pseudobinary alloy (HfO2)(x)(SiO2)(1-x) JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 107, 123510 (2010)
I. G. Bucsa, R. W. Cochrane, S. Roorda Structural morphology and Mn distribution in annealed InP coimplanted with P and Mn JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 107, 073912 (2010)
D. Barba, D. Koshel, F. Martin, G. G. Ross, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte, M. Yedji, J. Demarche, G. Terwagne Silicon nanocrystal synthesis by implantation of natural Si isotopes JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 130, 669 (2010)
K. Setoodehnia, A. -A. Chen, J. Chen, J. -A. Clark, C. Deibel, D. Kahl, W. -N. Lennard, P. -D. Parker, C. Wrede Study of astrophysically important resonant states in S-30 using the S-32(p,t)S-30 reaction NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 834, 205C (2010)
S. Roorda, Y. Lavigueur Solid phase epitaxial regrowth of amorphous silicon is not affected by structural relaxation PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 90, 3787PII 923568599 (2010)
Raveen Kumaran, Scott E. Webster, Shawn Penson, Wei Li, Thomas Tiedje, Peng Wei, Francois Schiettekatte Epitaxial neodymium-doped sapphire films, a new active medium for waveguide lasers OPTICS LETTERS 34, 3358 (2009)
J. L. Campbell, M. Lee, B. N. Jones, S. M. Andrushenko, N. G. Holmes, J. A. Maxwell A fundamental parameters approach to calibration of the Mars Exploration Rovers alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer. Part I: homogenous standards JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: PLANETS 114, E04006, 2008JE003272 (2009)
M. Zamburlini, J. L. Campbell, G. de Silveira, T. Butler, A. Pejovic-Milic, D. R. Chettle Strontium depth distribution in human bone measured by micro-PIXE X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 38, 271 (2009)
P. Baril, L. J. Lewis, S. Roorda A numerical study of energy transfer mechanisms in materials following irradiation by swift heavy ions EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 71, 27 (2009)
M. Dalponte, M. C. Adam, H. I. Boudinov, L. V. Goncharova, T. Feng, E. Garfunkel, T. Gustafsson Effect of excess vacancy concentration on As and Sb doping in Si JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 42, 165106 (2009)
I. G. Bucsa, R. W. Cochrane, S. Roorda Segregation and formation of MnP particles during rapid thermal annealing of Mn-implanted InP and GaP JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 106, 013914 (2009)
J. Liu, X. Wu, W. N. Lennard, D. Landheer Surface-directed spinodal decomposition in hafnium silicate thin films PHYSICAL REVIEW B 80, 041403 (2009)
O. Moutanabbir, Y. J. Chabal, M. Chicoine, S. Christiansen, R. Krause-Rehberg, F. Schiettekatte, R. Scholz, O. Seitz, S. Senz, F. Suesskraut, U. Goesele Mechanisms of ion-induced GaN thin layer splitting NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 267, 1264 (2009)
M. Guihard, P. Turcotte-Tremblay, S. Gaudet, C. Coia, S. Roorda, P. Desjardins, C. Lavoie, F. Schiettekatte Controlling nickel silicide phase formation by Si implantation damage NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 267, 1285 (2009)
J. F. Desjardins, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte, D. Barba, F. Martin, G. G. Ross Impact of Ni co-implantation on Si nanocrystals formation and luminescence NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 267, 1317 (2009)
Y. -R. Li, D. Shakhvorostov, G. Pereira, A. Lachenwitzer, W. N. Lennard, P. R. Norton A Novel Method for Quantitative Determination of Ultra-low Wear Rates of Materials, Part I: On Steels TRIBOLOGY LETTERS 33, 143 (2009)
Francois Schiettekatte Simulation of Multiple Scattering Effects on Coincidence APPLICATION OF ACCELERATORS IN RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY 1099, 314 (2009)
Iva Bogdanovic Radovic, Milko Jaksic, Francois Schiettekatte Technique for sensitive carbon depth profiling in thin samples using C-C elastic scattering JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 24, 194 (2009)
Jian Liu, William N. Lennard, Lyudmila V. Goncharova, Dolf Landheer, Xiaohua Wu, Simon A. Rushworth, Anthony C. Jones Atomic Layer Deposition of Hafnium Silicate Thin Films Using Tetrakis(diethylamido)hafnium and Tris(2-methyl-2-butoxy)silanol JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 156, G89 (2009)
Lyudmila V. Goncharova, Nathan Yundt, Eric G. Barbagiovanni Diffusion In Nano-Scale Metal-Oxide/Si And Oxide/SiGe/Si Structures TRANSPORT AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF NANOMATERIALS 1147, 108 (2009)
Y. -R. Li, D. Shakhvorostov, W. N. Lennard, P. R. Norton A Novel Method for Quantitative Determination of Ultra-low Wear Rates of Materials, Part II: Effects of Surface Roughness and Roughness Orientation on Wear TRIBOLOGY LETTERS 33, 63 (2009)
J. L. Campbell Fluorescence yields and Coster-Kronig probabilities for the atomic L subshells: the L1 subshell revisited ATOMIC DATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES 95, 115 (2009)
A. Amassian, M. Dudek, O. Zabeida, S. C. Gujrathi, J. E. Klemberg-Sapieha, L. Martinu Oxygen incorporation and charge donor activation via subplantation during growth of indium tin oxide films JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A 27, 362 (2009)
J. C. Hower, J. L. Campbell, W. J. Teesdale, Z. Nejedly, J. D. Robertson Scanning proton microprobe analysis of mercury and other trace elements in Fe-sulfides from a Kentucky coal INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY 75, 88 (2008)
M. Benkahoul, P. Robin, S. C. Gujrathi, L. Martinu, J. E. Klemberg-Sapieha Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cr-Si-N coatings prepared by pulsed reactive dual magnetron sputtering SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 202, 3975 (2008)
J. L. Campbell, R. Gellert, M. Lee, C. L. Mallett, J. A. Maxwell and J. M. O’Meara Quantitative In-Situ Determination of Hydration of Bright High-Sulfate Martian Soils JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: PLANETS 113, E06S11, 2007JE002959 (2008)
S. Mythili, B. Davids, T. K. Alexander, G. C. Ball, M. Chicoine, R. S. Chakrawarthy, R. Churchman, J. S. Forster, S. Gujrathi, G. Hackman, D. Howell, R. Kanungo, J. R. Leslie, E. Padilla, C. J. Pearson, C. Ruiz, G. Ruprecht, M. A. Schumaker, I. Tanihata, C. Vockenhuber, P. Walden, S. Yen Lifetimes of states in (19)Ne above the (15)O+alpha breakup threshold PHYSICAL REVIEW C 77, 035803 (2008)
P. J. Simpson, A. P. Knights, M. Chicoine, K. Dudeck, O. Moutanabbir, S. Ruffell, F. Schiettekatte, B. Terreault Thermal evolution of defects produced by implantation of H, D and He in Silicon APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 255, 63 (2008)
C. Dion, P. Desjardins, F. Schiettekatte, M. Chicoine, M. D. Robertson, N. Shtinkov, P. J. Poole, X. Wu, S. Raymond Vacancy-mediated intermixing in InAs/InP(001) quantum dots subjected to ion implantation JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 104, 043527 (2008)
O. Moutanabbir, R. Scholz, S. Senz, U. Goesele, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte, F. Suesskraut, R. Krause-Rehberg Microstructural evolution in H ion induced splitting of freestanding GaN APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93, 031916 (2008)
Nicholas Desrosiers, Alexandre Giguere, Bernard Terreault, Martin Chicoine, Francois Schiettekatte Implantation effects of low energy H and D ions in germanium at -120 degrees C and room temperature NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 266, 1971 (2008)
C. Dion, P. Desjardins, N. Shtinkov, F. Schiettekatte, P. J. Poole, S. Raymond Effects of grown-in defects on interdiffusion dynamics in InAs/InP(001) quantum dots subjected to rapid thermal annealing JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 103, 083526 (2008)
Francois Schiettekatte Fast Monte Carlo for ion beam analysis simulations NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 266, 1880 (2008)
Xavier Urli, Cristiano L. Dias, Laurent J. Lewis, Sjoerd Roorda Point defects in pure amorphous silicon and their role in structural relaxation: A tight-binding molecular-dynamics study PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77, 155204 (2008)
L. Stafford, W. T. Lim, S. J. Pearton, Ju-Il Song, Jae-Soung Park, Young-Woo Heo, Joon-Hyung Lee, Jeong-Joo Kim, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte Deep etch-induced damage during ion-assisted chemical etching of sputtered indium-zinc-oxide films in Ar/CH4/H-2 plasmas THIN SOLID FILMS 516, 2869 (2008)
C. Dion, P. Desjardins, N. Shtinkov, M. D. Robertson, F. Schiettekatte, P. J. Poole, S. Raymond Intermixing during growth of InAs self-assembled quantum dots in InP: A photoluminescence and tight-binding investigation PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77, 075338 (2008)
Jean-Michel Lamarre, Franck Billard, Chahineze Harkati Kerboua, Michel Lequime, Sjoerd Roorda, Ludvik Martinu Anisotropic nonlinear optical absorption of gold nanorods in a silica matrix OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 281, 331 (2008)
J. L. Campbell, M. Lee, B. N. Jones, J. A. Maxwell A new approach to fitting the spectra from the Mars rover alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer ADVANCES IN X-RAY ANALYSIS 51, 219(2007)
B. N. Jones, J. L. Campbell L X-ray production cross-section ratios for protons incident on high-Z atoms: a test of ECPSSR theory and newly recommended vacancy de-excitation parameters NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 258, 299 (2007)
L. Stafford, W. T. Lim, S. J. Pearton, M. Chicoine, S. Gujrathi, F. Schiettekatte, I. I. Kravchenko Influence of the film properties on the plasma etching dynamics of rf-sputtered indium zinc oxide layers JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A 25, 659 (2007)
C. Harkati Kerboua, J.-M. Lamarre, L. Martinu, S. Roorda Deformation, alignment and anisotropic optical properties of gold nanoparticles embedded in silica NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 257, 42 (2007)
R. Karmouch, Y. Anahory, J. -F. Mercure, D. Bouilly, M. Chicoine, G. Bentoumi, R. Leonelli, Y. Q. Wang, F. Schiettekatte Damage evolution in low-energy ion implanted silicon PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75, 075304 (2007)
O. Moutanabbir, B. Terreault, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte, P. J. Simpson Influence of isotopic substitution and He coimplantation on defect complexes and voids induced by H ions in silicon PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75, 075201 (2007)
S. L. Harmer, L. V. Goncharova, R. Kolarova, W. N. Lennard, M. A. Munoz-Marquez, I. V. Mitchell, H. W. Nesbitt Surface structure of sphalerite studied by medium energy ion scattering and XPS SURFACE SCIENCE 601, 352 (2007)
C. Dion, P. Desjardins, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte, P. J. Poole, S. Raymond Drastic ion-implantation-induced intermixing during the annealing of self-assembled InAs/InP(001) quantum dots NANOTECHNOLOGY 18, 015404 (2007)
C. L. Mallett, J. M. O’Meara, J. A. Maxwell, J. L. Campbell Calibration of the MER alpha-particle x-ray spectrometer for detection of “invisible” OH and H2O possibly present in Martian rocks and soils X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 35, 329 (2006)
B. L. Doyle, P. P. Provencio, P. G. Kotule, A. J. Antolak, C. G. Ryan, J. L. Campbell, K. Barrett PIXE-quantified AXSIA: Elemental mapping by multivariate spectral analysis NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 249, 828 (2006)
H. K. T. Wong, C. M. Banic, S. Robert, Z. Nejedly, J. L. Campbell In-stack and in-plume characterization of particulate metals emitted from a copper smelter GEOCHEMISTRY: EXPLORATION, ENVIRONMENT, ANALYSIS 6, 131 (2006)
C. Banic, W. R. Leaitch, K. Strawbridge, R. Tanabe, H. Wong, C. Gariepy, A. Simonetti, Z. Nejedly, J. L. Campbell, J. Lu, J. Skeaff, D. Paktunc, J. I. McPherson, S. Daggupaty, H. Geonac’h, A. Chatt, M. Lamoureux The physical and chemical evolution of aerosols in smelter and power plant plumes: an airborne study GEOCHEMISTRY: EXPLORATION, ENVIRONMENT, ANALYSIS 6, 111 (2006)
J. Liu, W. N. Lennard, J. -K. Lee Range of Er ions in amorphous Si APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 253, 937 (2006)
C. Dion, P. J. Poole, S. Raymond, P. Desjardins, F. Schiettekatte Tuning of the electronic properties of self-assembled InAs/InP(001) quantum dots using grown-in defect mediated intermixing APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 89, 131905 (2006)
P. Wei, S. C. Gujrathi, M. Gulhard, F. Schiettekatte Cross-section for N-14(alpha, p(0)) O-17 reaction in the energy range 3.2-4.0 MeV NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 249, 85 (2006)
Jean Raymond, Charbel Mounayer, Igor Salazkin, Annick Metcalfe, Guylaine Gevry, Christian Janicki, Sjoerd Roorda, Philippe Leblanc Safety and effectiveness of radioactive coil embolization of aneurysms - Effects of radiation on recanalization, clot organization, neointima formation, and surrounding nerves in experimental models STROKE 37, 2147 (2006)
B Salem, D Morris, Y Salissou, V Aimez, S Charlebois, M Chicoine, F Schiettekatte Terahertz emission properties of arsenic and oxygen ion-implanted GaAs based photoconductive pulsed sources JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A 24, 774 (2006)
TS Rao, MG So, WY Jiang, T Mayer, S Roorda, SC Gujrathi, MLW Thewalt, CR Bolognesi, SP Watkins Optical and electrical characterization of OMVPE-grown AlGaAsSb epitaxial layers on InP substrates JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 287, 532 (2006)
P Leblanc, J Raymond, S Roorda Ion-implantation and characterization of P-32-radioactive platinum coils for endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 242, 173 (2006)
JJ Penninkhof, T van Dillen, S Roorda, C Graf, A van Blaaderen, AM Vredenberg, A Polman Anisotropic deformation of metallo-dielectric core-shell colloids under MeV ion irradiation NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 242, 523 (2006)
R. Kanungo, T. K. Alexander, A. N. Andreyev, G. C. Ball, R. S. Chakrawarthy, M. Chicoine, R. Churchman, B. Davids, J. S. Forster, S. Gujrathi, G. Hackman, D. Howell, J. R. Leslie, A. C. Morton, S. Mythili, C. J. Pearson, J. J. Ressler, C. Ruiz, H. Savajols, M. A. Schumaker, I. Tanihata, P. Walden, S. Yen Lifetime of Ne-19(*)(4.03 MeV) PHYSICAL REVIEW C 74, 045803 (2006)
O Moutanabbir, B Terreault, M Chicoine, PJ Simpson, T Zahel, G Hobler Hydrogen/Deuterium-defect complexes involved in the ion cutting of Si (001) at the sub-100 nm scale PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 376, 36 (2006)
A. Denker, J. Opitz-Coutureau, J. Rauschenberg, J. L. Campbell, J. A. Maxwell, T. L. Hopman Quantitative analysis using very energetic protons X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 34, 376 (2005)
J. A. Maxwell, J. L. Campbell A new approach to pile-up modelling in PIXE X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 34, 320 (2005)
J. A. Morris, R. A. Rulifson, J. A. Babaluk, J .L. Campbell Characteristics of striped bass migration based on otolith microchemistry X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 34, 301 (2005)
M. Omand, J. A. Maxwell, J. L. Campbell Simulation of the relationship between element concentrations and X-ray yields in the Mars Exploration Rover’s X-Ray Spectrometer NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 229, 123 (2005)
R Smirani, F Martin, G Abel, YQ Wang, M Chicoine, GG Ross The effect of size and depth profile of Si-nc imbedded in a SiO2 layer on the photoluminescence spectra JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 115, 62 (2005)
R Karmouch, JF Mercure, Y Anahory, F Schiettekatte Damage annealing process in implanted poly-silicon studied by nanocalorimetry: Effects of heating rate and beam flux NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 241, 341 (2005)
D Barba, B Salem, D Morris, V Aimez, J Beauvais, M Chicoine, F Schiettekatte Ion channeling effects on quantum well intermixing in phosphorus-implanted InGaAsP/InGaAs/InP JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 98, 054904 (2005)
R Karmouch, JF Mercure, F Schiettekatte Nanocalorimeter fabrication procedure and data analysis for investigations on implantation damage annealing THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 432, 186 (2005)
YQ Wang, R Smirani, F Schiettekatte, GG Ross Faceting of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 409, 129 (2005)
JM Lamarre, Z Yu, C Harkati, S Roorda, L Martinu Optical and microstructural properties of nanocomposite Au/SiO2 films by containing particles deformed by heavy ion irradiation THIN SOLID FILMS 479, 232 (2005)
O Moutanabbir, B Terreault, M Chicoine, F Schiettekatte The fluence effect in hydrogen-ion cleaving of silicon at the sub-100-nm scale APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 80, 1455 (2005)
JF Mercure, R Karmouch, Y Anahory, S Roorda, F Schiettekatte Dependence of the structural relaxation of amorphous silicon on implantation temperature PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71, 134205 (2005)
YQ Wang, R Smirani, GG Ross, F Schiettekatte Ordered coalescence of Si nanocrystals in SiO2 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71, 161310 (2005)
M Chicoine, C Beaudoin, S Roorda, RA Masut, P Desjardins III-V compliant substrates implemented by nanocavities introduced by ion implantation JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 97, 064309 (2005)
S Tixier, SE Webster, EC Young, T Tiedje, S Francoeur, A Mascarenhas, P Wei, F Schiettekatte Band gaps of the dilute quaternary alloys GaNxAs1-x-yBiy and Ga1-yInyNxAs1-x APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86, 112113 (2005)
V Ramaswamy, TE Haynes, CW White, WJ MoberlyChan, S Roorda, MJ Aziz Synthesis of nearly monodisperse embedded nanoparticles by separating nucleation and growth in ion implantation NANO LETTERS 5, 373 (2005)
R Karmouch, JF Mercure, Y Anahory, F Schiettekatte Concentration and ion-energy-independent annealing kinetics during ion-implanted-defect annealing APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86, 031912 (2005)
NP Barradas, N Added, WM Arnoldbik, I Bogdanovic-Radovic, W Bohne, S Cardoso, C Danner, N Dytlewski, PP Freitas, M Jaksic, C Jeynes, C Krug, WN Lennard, S Lindner, C Linsmeier, Z Medunic, P Pelicon, RP Pezzi, C Radtke, J Rohrich, T Sajavaara, TDM Salgado, FC Stedile, MH Tabacniks, I Vickridge A round robin characterisation of the thickness and composition of thin to ultra-thin AlNO films NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 227, 397 (2005)
Z. Nejedly, J. L. Campbell, S. Gama An Excel utility for the rapid characterization of funny filters in PIXE analysis NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 219/220, 131-139 (2004)
T. Papp, J. A. Maxwell, A. Papp, Z. Nejedly, J. L. Campbell On the role of the signal processing electronics in X-ray analytical measurements NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 219/220, 503 (2004)
A. Denker, J. Opitz-Coutereau, J. L. Campbell, J. A. Maxwell, T. L. Hopman High-energy PIXE: quantitative analysis NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 219/220, 130 (2004)
F. Gervilla, L. J. Cabri, K. Kojonen, T. Oberthur, T. Weiser, B. Johanson, S. H. Sie, J. L. Campbell, W. J. Teesdale, J. H. G. Laflamme Understanding the distribution of platinum-group elements in some mineral deposits; comparison of trace element analyses obtained by electron microprobe and micro-PIXE MIKROKIMICA ACTA 147, 167 (2004)
J. L. Campbell and J. M. O’Meara Corrections to the conventional approach to Si(Li) detector efficiency X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 33, 146 (2004)
D Barba, V Aimez, J Beauvais, J Beerens, D Drouin, M Chicoine, F Schiettekatte Raman study of As outgassing and damage induced by ion implantation in Zn-doped GaAs JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 96, 4890 (2004)
G Boudreault, RG Elliman, R Grotzschel, SC Gujrathi, C Jeynes, WN Lennard, E Rauhala, T Sajavaara, H Timmers, YQ Wang, TDM Weijers Round Robin: measurement of H implantation distributions in Si by elastic recoil detection NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 222, 547 (2004)
AP Grosvenor, BA Kobe, NS McIntyre, S Tougaard, WN Lennard Use of QUASIES (TM)/XPS measurements to determine the oxide composition and thickness on an iron substrate SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS 36, 632 (2004)
C Janicki, P Leblanc, S Roorda, J Raymond, O Tousignant Dosimetry of p-32 coated Guglielmi detachable coils for endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms MEDICAL PHYSICS 31, 1881 (2004)
P Leblanc, S Roorda, J Raymond, C Janicki, A Weill, D Roy, F Guilbert, L Normandeau Endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms with radioactive coils: Initial clinical experience MEDICAL PHYSICS 31, 1884 (2004)
O Tousignant, J Raymond, P Leblanc, S Roorda, C Janicki Fabrication and characterization of beta activated coils for improving treatment of cerebral aneurysms MEDICAL PHYSICS 31, 1888 (2004)
F Schiettekatte, M Chicoine, S Gujrathi, P Wei, K Oxorn Allegria: a new interface to the ERD program NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 219, 125 (2004)
F Schiettekatte, M Chicoine, JS Forster, JS Geiger, S Gujrathi, R Kolarova, A Paradis, S Roorda, P Wei ERD, N-15 external beam for NRRA in air, HIRBS: ion beam analysis developments on the HVEC EN-1 Tandem NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 219, 430 (2004)
P Wei, S Tixier, M Chicoine, S Francoeur, A Mascarenhas, T Tiedje, F Schiettekatte Ion beam characterization of GaAs(1-x-y)NxBi(y) epitaxial layers NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 219, 671 (2004)
T van Dillen, MJA de Dood, JJ Penninkhof, A Polman, S Roorda, AM Vredenberg Ion beam-induced anisotropic plastic deformation of silicon microstructures APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 84, 3591 (2004)
JN Beaudry, RA Masut, P Desjardins, R Wei, M Chicoine, G Bentoumi, R Leonelli, F Schiettekatte, S Guillon Organometallic vapor phase epitaxy of GaAs1-N-x(x) alloy layers on GaAs(001): Nitrogen incorporation and lattice parameter variation JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A 22, 771 (2004)
P Wei, M Chicoine, S Gujrathi, F Schiettekatte, JN Beaudry, RA Masut, P Desjardins Characterization GaAs1-xNx epitaxial layers by ion beam analysis JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A 22, 908 (2004)
L Stafford, M Gaidi, M Chaker, O Langlois, J Margot, F Schiettekatte, P Wei Dependence of the sputter-etching characteristics of strontium-titanate-oxide thin films on their structural properties APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 84, 2500 (2004)
M Cai, T Veres, S Roorda, F Schiettekatte, RW Cochrane Structural evolution of Co/Cu nanostructures under 1 MeV ion-beam irradiation JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 95, 1996 (2004)
M Cai, T Veres, F Schiettekatte, S Roorda, RW Cochrane Ion-beam irradiation of Co/Cu nanostructures: Effects on giant magnetoresistance and magnetic properties JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 95, 2006 (2004)
S Roorda, T van Dillen, A Polman, C Graf, A van Blaaderen, BJ Kooi Aligned gold nanorods in silica made by ion irradiation of core-shell colloidal particles ADVANCED MATERIALS 16, 235 (2004)
WN Lennard, H Xia, JK Kim Revisiting the stopping powers of Si and SiO2 for He-4 ions: 0.5-2.0 MeV NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 215, 297 (2004)
G Boudreault, RG Elliman, R Grotzschel, SC Gujrathi, C Jeynes, WN Lennard, E Rauhala, T Sajavaara, H Timmers, YQ Wang, TDM Weijers Round Robin: measurement of H implantation distributions in Si by elastic recoil detection NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 222, 547 (2004)
S Larouche, H Szymanowski, JE Klemberg-Sapieha, L Martinu, SC Gujrathi Microstructure of plasma-deposited SiO2/TiO2 optical films JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A 22, 1200 (2004)
J. L. Campbell Fluorescence yields and Coster-Kronig probabilities for the atomic L subshells ATOMIC DATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES 85, 291(2003)
J. L. Campbell Measurement of the L subshell fluorescence and Coster-Kronig yields of bismuth JOURNAL OF PHYSICS SECTION B: ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 36, 3219 (2003)
Z. Nejedly, J. L. Campbell, J. Brook, R. Vet, R. Eldred Validation of GAViM trace element and black carbon data by inter-laboratory comparisons AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 37, 96 (2003)
R Poirier, V Avalos, S Dannefaer, F Schlettekatte, S Roorda Annealing mechanisms of divacancies in silicon PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 340, 609 (2003)
JF Mercure, R Karmouch, Y Anahory, S Roorda, F Schiettekatte Radiation damage in silicon studied in situ by nanocalorimetry PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 340, 622 (2003)
R Poirier, V Avalos, S Dannefaer, F Schiettekatte, S Roorda, SK Misra Divacancies in proton irradiated silicon: variation of ESR signal with annealing time PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 340, 752 (2003)
J Raymond, P Leblanc, A Lambert, SA Georganos, F Guilbert, D Roy, A Weill, C Janicki, S Roorda Radioactive embolization of intracranial aneurysms using P-32-implanted coils RIVISTA DI NEURORADIOLOGIA 16, 1159 (2003)
J Raymond, D Roy, P Leblanc, S Roorda, C Janicki, L Normandeau, F Morel, G Gevry, JP Bahary, M Chagnon, F Guilbert, A Weill Endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms with radioactive coils - Initial clinical experience STROKE 34, 2801 (2003)
M Chicoine, S Roorda, RA Masut, P Desjardins Nanocavities in He implanted InP JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 94, 6116 (2003)
J Raymond, P LeBlanc, C Janicki, E Guilbert, A Weill, D Roy, I Salazkin, G Gevry, V Lebel, A Metcalfe, O Robledo, S Roorda Radioactive coil embolisation of intracranial aneurysms - Experimental and preliminary clinical data INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY 9, 77 (2003)
HW Chen, TY Huang, D Landheer, X Wu, S Moisa, GI Sproule, JK Kim, WN Lennard, TS Chao Ultrathin zirconium silicate films deposited on Si(100) using Zr(O(i)-Pr)(2)(thd)(2), Si(O(t)-Bu)(2)(thd)(2), and nitric oxide JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 150, C465 (2003)
K Awazu, S Roorda, JL Brebner, S Ishii, K Shima Structure of latent tracks created by swift heavy ions in amorphous SiO2 and zinc phosphate glass JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS 42, 3950 (2003)
HM Grandin, SM Tadayyon, WN Lennard, K Griffiths, LL Coatsworth, PR Norton, ZD Popovic, H Aziz, NX Hu Rutherford backscattering and secondary ion mass spectrometry investigation of Mg : Ag-tris(8-hydroxy quinoline) aluminum interfaces ORGANIC ELECTRONICS 4, 9 (2003)
S. Beaulieu, Z. Nejedly, J. L. Campbell, G. C. Edwards, G. M. Dias Improvement of detection limits of PIXE by substrate signal reduction NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 189, 289 (2002)
T. Papp, T. Latakos, Z. Nejedly, J. L. Campbell Improvement in level of detection in PIXE by means of risetime and pulse shape discrimination NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS B 189, 66 (2002)
S Roorda Comment on "Quantitative analysis of annealing-induced structure disordering in ion-implanted amorphous silicon," by Ju-Yin Cheng et al., J. Vacuum Science and Technology A 20, 1855 (2002) JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A 21, 827 (2003)
R Poirier, V Avalos, S Dannefaer, F Schiettekatte, S Roorda Divacancies in proton irradiated silicon: Comparison of annealing mechanisms studied with infrared spectroscopy and positron annihilation NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 206, 85 (2003)
J Raymond, P Leblanc, F Morel, I Salazkin, G Gevry, S Roorda Beta radiation and inhibition of recanalization after coil embolization of canine arteries and experimental aneurysms - How should radiation be delivered? STROKE 34, 1262 (2003)
S Tixier, M Adamcyk, T Tiedje, S Francoeur, A Mascarenhas, P Wei, F Schiettekatte Molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaAs1-xBix APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 82, 2245 (2003)
J Raymond, P Leblanc, A Lambert, SA Georganos, F Guilbert, C Janicki, S Roorda Feasibility of radioactive embolization of intracranial aneurysms using P-32-implanted coils STROKE 34, 1035 (2003)
J Kim, WN Lennard, CP McNorgan, J Hendriks, IV Mitchell, D Landheer, J Gredley Depth profiling of ultrathin films using medium energy ion scattering CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS 3, 75 (2003)
F Schiettekatte, V Aimez, M Chicoine, S Chevobbe, JF Chabot, JF Rajotte Low energy ion implantation induced intermixing in photonic devices: Defect profiling and evolution APPLICATION OF ACCELERATORS IN RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY 680, 609 (2003)
A Chicoine, A Francois, C Tavares, S Chevobbe, F Schiettekatte, V Aimez, J Beauvais, J Beerens Effects of damage accumulation on quantum well intermixing by low energy ion implantation in photonic devices APPLICATIONS OF PHOTONIC TECHNOLOGY 6: CLOSING THE GAP BETWEEN THEORY, DEVELOPMENT, AND APPLICATION 5260, 423 (2003)
S. Saquet, N. M. Halden, J. A. Babaluk, J. L. Campbell, Z. Nejedly Micro-PIXE analysis of trace element variation in otoliths from fish collected near acid mine tailings: potential for monitoring contaminant dispersal NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 189, 196 (2002)
T. Papp, J. L. Campbell, E. Papp-Szabo Chemical state sensitivity by PIXE, using solid state detectors NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 189, 33 (2002)
J. A. Babaluk, J. L. Campbell, N. M. Halden, S. R. Mejia, Z. Nejedly, J. D. Reist, W. J. Teesdale Micro-PIXE analysis of Sr in Arctic char otoliths from Quttinirpaaq national park, Nunavut, Canada NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 189, 190 (2002)
J. L. Campbell, J. A. Babaluk, M. Cooper, G. W. Grime, N. M. Halden, Z. Nejedly, I. Rajta, J. D. Reist Sr distribution in young-of-year Dolly Varden char otoliths: potential for stock discrimination NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 189, 18 (2002)
T. L. Hopman, Z. Nejedly, J. A. Maxwell, J. L. Campbell Extension of GUPIX to helium and deuteron-induced PIXE NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 189, 138 (2002)
G. C. Wilson, J. C. Rucklidge, J. L. Campbell, Z. Nejedly, W. J. Teesdale Applications of PIXE to mineral characterization NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 189, 387 (2002)
J. A Maxwell, J. L. Campbell Improvements in the top-hat filter approach for PIXE background removal NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 189, 143 (2002)
T. L. Hopman, J. L. Campbell Determination of the solid angle of a Si(Li) detector X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 31, 345 (2002)
A Tchebotareva, JL Brebner, S Roorda, P Desjardins, CW White Structural properties of InAs nanocrystals formed by sequential implantation of In and As ions in the Si (100) matrix JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 92, 4664 (2002)
P Leblanc, C Janicki, F Morel, J Raymond, S Roorda Endovascular beta irradiation using 32P radioactive platinum coils for the treatment of cerebral aneurysms MEDICAL PHYSICS 29, 1318 (2002)
B Brijs, C Huyghebaert, S Nauwelaerts, M Caymax, W Vandervorst, K Nakajima, K Kimura, A Bergmaier, G Dollinger, WN Lennard, G Terwagne, A Vantomme Advanced characterization of high-k materials: A nuclear approach NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 190, 505PII S0168-583X(02)00468-8 (2002)
WN Lennard, JK Kim, L Rodriguez-Fernandez Surface sensitive particle-induced X-ray emission NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 189, 49PII S0168-583X(01)00993-4 (2002)
J Raymond, P Leblanc, AC Desfaits, I Salazkin, F Morel, C Janicki, S Roorda In situ beta radiation to prevent recanalization after coil embolization of cerebral aneurysms STROKE 33, 421 (2002)
J. L. Campbell Non-monotonic behaviour of the Kβ2'/Kβ1' x-ray intensity ratio in the atomic number region 40 < Z < 50 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS SECTION B: ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTIAL PHYSICS 34, 35433 (2001)
M. Blaauw, J. L. Campbell, S. Fazinic, M. Jaksic, I. Orlic, P. Van Espen The 2000 IAEA intercomparison of PIXE spectrometry software NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 189, 113 (2001)
T. Papp, J. L. Campbell Size and origin of the escape peak in various Si(Li) detectors X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 30, 77 (2001)
J. L. Campbell, L. MacDonald, T. L. Hopman Simulations of Si(Li) x-ray detector response X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 30, 230 (2001)
R Poirier, S Roorda, F Schiettekatte, M Lalancette, J Zikovsky Divacancies in proton irradiated silicon: characterization and annealing mechanisms PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 308, 462 (2001)
D Landheer, X Wu, J Morais, IJR Baumvol, RP Pezzi, L Miotti, WN Lennard, JK Kim Thermal stability and diffusion in gadolinium silicate gate dielectric films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 79, 2618 (2001)
R Heliou, JL Brebner, S Roorda Role of implantation temperature on residual damage in ion-implanted 6H-SiC SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 16, 836 (2001)
AL Tchebotareva, JL Brebner, S Roorda, CW White Properties of InAs nanocrystals in silicon formed by sequential ion implantation NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 175, 187 (2001)
R Heliou, JL Brebner, S Roorda Optical and structural properties of 6H-SiC implanted with silicon as a function of implantation dose and temperature NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 175, 268 (2001)
JA Gupta, D Landheer, GI Sproule, JP McCaffrey, MJ Graham, KC Yang, ZH Lu, WN Lennard Interfacial layer formation in Gd2O3 films deposited directly on Si(001) APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 173, 318 (2001)
D Landheer, JA Gupta, GI Sproule, JP McCaffrey, MJ Graham, KC Yang, ZH Lu, WN Lennard Characterization of Gd2O3 films deposited on Si(100) by electron-beam evaporation JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 148, G29 (2001)
T Veres, M Cai, RW Cochrane, M Rouabhi, S Roorda, P Desjardins MeV Si+ irradiation of Ni/Fe multilayers: structural, transport and magnetic properties THIN SOLID FILMS 382, 172 (2001)
C Qian, B Terreault, SC Gujrathi Layer splitting in Si by H+He ion co-implantation: Channeling effect limitation at low energy NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 175, 711 (2001)
M.-C. Lepy, J. L. Campbell, J. M. Laborie, J. Plagnard, P. Stemmler, W. J. Teesdale Experimental study of the response of semiconductor detectors to low energy photons NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A: ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 439, 239 (2000)
N. M. Halden, S. R. Mejia, J. A. Babaluk, J. D. Reist, A. H. Kristofferson, J. L. Campbell, W. J. Teesdale Oscillatory zinc distribution in Arctic char otoliths: the result of fish behaviour or environmental feedback FISHERIES RESEARCH 46, 289 (2000)
J. L. Campbell, T. Papp Widths of the atomic K - N7 levels ATOMIC DATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES 77, 1 (2001)
I. A. Simpson, S. Perdikaris, G. Cook, J. L. Campbell, W. J. Teesdale Cultural sediment analyses and transitions in early fishing activity at Langenesvaerer, Vesteralen, Northern Norway GEOARCHAEOLOGY 15, 743 (2000)
J. L. Campbell, T. L. Hopman, J. A. Maxwell, Z. Nejedly The Guelph PIXE software package III: alternative proton database NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 170, 193 (2000)
Z. Nejedly, J. L. Campbell Standardization of a micro-PIXE system using NIST iron- and nickel-based alloy reference materials NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 160, 415 (2000)
Z. Nejedly, J. L. Campbell, S. N. Rogak, R. M. Hoff, W. J. Teesdale Air quality work at Guelph: IMPROVE sampling and a traffic tunnel study NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 150, 398 (2000)
J. L. Campbell, J. A. Babaluk, N. M. Halden, A. H. Kristofferson, J. A. Maxwell, S. R. Mejia, J. D. Reist, W. J. Teesdale Micro-PIXE studies of char populations in northern Canada NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B: BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 150, 260 (2000)
Bryxina, V. S. Sheplev, O. I. Ripinen, N. M. Halden, J. L. Campbell, W. J. Teesdale Qualitative analyses of dynamic model of Wang-Merino and quantitative estimates of trace elements distributions in sample from Arc-Bogdo (Mongolia) GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS 9, 1287 (2000)
F Schiettekatte, S Roorda, R Poirier, MO Fortin, S Chazal, R Heliou Direct evidence for 8-interstitial-controlled nucleation of extended defects in c-Si APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 77, 4322 (2000)
M Fujimaki, Y Nishihara, Y Ohki, JL Brebner, S Roorda Ion-implantation-induced densification in silica-based glass for fabrication of optical fiber gratings JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 88, 5534 (2000)
SR Walker, JA Davies, P Mascher, SG Wallace, WN Lennard, GR Massoumi, RG Elliman, TR Ophel, H Timmers Characterization of silicon oxynitride films using ion beam analysis techniques NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 170, 461 (2000)
D Ladheer, P Ma, WN Lennard, IV Mitchell, C McNorgan Analysis of silicon-oxide-silicon nitride stacks by medium-energy ion scattering JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS 18, 2503 (2000)
J Fick, EJ Knystautus, A Villeneuve, F Schiettekatte, S Roorda, KA Richardson High photoluminescence in erbium-doped chalcogenide thin films JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 272, 200 (2000)
K Awazu, S Ishii, K Shima, S Roorda, JL Brebner Structure of latent tracks created by swift heavy-ion bombardment of amorphous SiO2 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 62, 3689 (2000)
J D'Arcy-Gall, P Desjardins, I Petrov, JE Greene, JE Paultre, RA Masut, SC Gujrathi, S Roorda Epitaxial metastable Ge1-yCy (y <= 0.02) alloys grown on Ge(001) from hyperthermal beams: C incorporation and lattice sites JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 88, 96 (2000)
T Veres, M Cai, RW Cochrane, S Roorda Ion-beam modification of Co/Ag multilayers I: Structural evolution and magnetic response JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 87, 8504PII [S0021-8979(00)09512-8] (2000)
T Veres, M Cai, S Germain, M Rouabhi, F Schiettekatte, S Roorda, RW Cochrane Ion-beam modification of Co/Ag multilayers II: Variation of structural and magnetic properties with Co layer thickness JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 87, 8513PII [S0021-8979(00)08912-X] (2000)
F Schiettekatte, S Roorda, R Poirier, MO Fortin, S Chazal, R Heliou Dose and implantation temperature influence on extended defects nucleation in c-Si NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 164, 425 (2000)
R Poirier, F Schiettekatte, S Roorda, MO Fortin Secondary defects engineering in c-Si: Influence of implantation dose, temperature, and oxygen concentration JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS 18, 717 (2000)
M Fujimaki, Y Ohki, JL Brebner, S Roorda Fabrication of long-period optical fiber gratings by use of ion implantation OPTICS LETTERS 25, 88 (2000)
MLS Fuller, LR Fernandez, GR Massoumi, WN Lennard, M Kasrai, GM Bancroft The use of X-ray absorption spectroscopy for monitoring the thickness of antiwear films from ZDDP TRIBOLOGY LETTERS 8, 187 (2000)